Muharram Majalis will Inshalla start from Saturday 31st August 2019 with Namaz. This year Urdu and English majalises will start at the same time but in different rooms. English majalises will be in a marquee in the back garden, while the Urdu majalises will be in the main halls.
Namaz E Maghribain (Because of Maghrib timings this year, the start times are different each day)
Tilawat & Soaz O Salaam
English Majalis & Urdu Majalis
Followed by Matam-E-Hussain
31 Aug (Sat)
Eve. of 1st Muharram (Subject to the moon)
01 Sep (Sun)
1st Muharram
02 Sep (Mon)
2nd Muharram
03 Sep (Tue)
3rd Muharram
04 Sep (Wed)
4th Muharram
05 Sep (Thu)
5th Muharram
06 Sep (Fri)
6th Muharram (Ziarat-e-Jhoola)
07 Sep (Sat)
7th Muharram (Ziarat-e-Taboot Qasim)
08 Sep (Sun)
8th Muharram (Ziarat-e-Alum)
09 Sep (Mon)
9th Muharram (Ziarat-e-Taboot)
10 Sep (Tue)
Azan e Ali Akbar |
Majalis of 11th of Moharrum and Soyem will start at different times
Roz-E-Ashura 10-Sep-2018 [Tue]
Azan-e-Ali Akbar Majlis will start at 4:10am followed by Fajr Namaz at 4:38am. Aamal-E-Ashura will start at 11:00 AM followed by Namaz-E-Zohrain at 01:03 PM then Majlis followed by Faqah Shikni (provided by Ejaz Hussain Naqvi). Shaam-E-Ghariban majlis will start after Maghribaen Namaz at 7.38 PM.
Ladies Majalis
Mohtarima Narjis Ali will address first Ashra. (Ladies Majalis) (Sun 01st Sep 2019 to Tue 10th Sep 2019 10AM everyday).
Mohtarima Mustejab Zehra will address Ashra-E-Arbaeen (Ladies Majalis) (Thu 10th Oct 2019 to Sat 19th Oct 2019 10AM everyday). (Except Saturday & Sunday 1:35PM).
Mohtarima Shazia Naqvi will address Third Alwidai Ashra (Ladies Majalis) (Fri 26th Oct 2019 to Tue 9th Nov 2019 10AM everyday). (Except Saturday & Sunday 1:35PM).
Ladies who wish to sponsor any Majlis or Tabbaruk, please contact Mrs. Fouzia Naqvi Mob.07811 330742.
Shahadat e Imam Zainul Abideen (A.S.)
Majlis and Taboot on 24th of Moharrum (Thu 24 Sept) on the Shahadat e Imam Zainul Abideen (AS) at 7:30PM.
From Thursday(11Sa) Oct10 to Saturday(20Sa) Oct19. Maulana Safi Haider will address the Urdu majalises and Kazim Maroofi will address the English majalises.
Those members, who wish to bring tabarruk for majalis, please give your name to Br. Ibne Ali Naqvi 07984925440 or Br. Mansoor Husain 07885136218 at least two days before the date. The cost of tabarruk for each majlis is estimated between £300 to £700. You can contribute any amount towards tabarruk. Please note that the strangers distributing tabarruk outside the Mission are not authorized by the Management committee.
Security has been arranged for the Moharram. Security Guards will be posted at the men’s and women’s enterances of the Mission during /morning evening majlises. Please cooperate with the Security Guards. They are there to help and protect us. Providing Security is expensive so please donate generously towards it.
Car Parking
Please park your cars with the consideration of other car users and the traffic in front of the Mission. Try to park further away from the Mission. It will be appreciated if the members could make the car pool so that the less cars are used for more people. There will be some volunteers to guide the parking. Please co-operate with these guides so as to run the functions smoothly and do not give un-necessary cause of concern to the neighbours.
Building Funds
As you know that the cost of day-to-day running of the Mission has increased substantially, so please donate generously to keep the Mission afloat and to carry out further projects. Please renew your membership from 1st Moharrum.
Funeral Service
The Funeral Service is now fully operational. Please do consider to join. The yearly contribution for the old members is £100 and for new members is £150. Renewal of membership will be from 1st of Moharrum every year. Please read the laid down conditions before you become the member of Funeral Fund.
Sunday School
We are short of volunteer teachers and request the members if they could help the madressa to teach the children on Saturdays or Sundays.
Please note that the Sunday school will close on the dates given in school timetable. Teachers will provide the details.
Soaz O Salaam
Those Zakireen who wish to recite soaz/salam, please give your name earlier and stick to the time given. The Stage secretary will try to accommodate as many zakirs as possible.
Because there is very limited time, so please don’t be offended if you miss out for the day.
HIM Programmes Sep 2019 Till Dec 2019
We strive to awaken the Ummah for the return of His (A.T.F.S.)
We aim to transform our community into a unit of inspirational leaders by awakening them spiritually, politically, socially and economically through the understanding and practice of Pure Islam.
We are a registered Charity in the UK No. 277961.