This year 1442H / 2020 Muharram programmes will be ONLINE ONLY.
Programme Schedule for Muharram 1442H / 2020
Assalam o Alaikum
Since the Coronavirus infection is still very active in the UK, we have therefore decided it is NOT SAFE to open Mission. Therefore this year 1442H / 2020 Muharram programmes will be ONLINE ONLY.
For our main Ashra (1st Moharram will be on Friday 21 August 2020, subject to Moon, Ashura on Sunday 30 Aug 2020):
English Majalises recited by Br. Zaki Rizvi, between 7-8pm, will be via YouTube. Links will be sent daily. Starts on Chand Raat, Thursday 20th August 2020.
Urdu majalisis between 8-9pm daily. Mission is sponsoring Maulana Shahenshah Naqvi majlis exclusively on Ahleybait TV -SKY 745. Starts on Friday 21st August 2020. Also on YouTube.
Ladies Majlis recited by Shazia Naqvi, between 10:15am-11:15am, will be on YouTube. Links will be sent daily. Starts on Friday 21st August 2020.
Watch Live Ahlebait TV
Roz-E-Ashura Aamaal
Will be via YouTube. Links will be sent on the day.
Please donate generously to help support Moharram Majalis. Pay on-line using Mission Bank Account details:
Account No: 20257726
Sort Code: 60-11-18
Bank: NatWest
Account Name: Hussaini Mission Hounslow
Membership Renewals
Please renew your membership from 1st Moharrum. Send cheques to Mission’s address above. Pay on-line using bank details above and put your House No, and post code in the REFERENCE box.
Funeral Service (Funeral Fund Membership)
Please do consider to join. The yearly contribution for the old members is £100 and for new members is £160. Renewal of membership will be from 1st of Moharrum every year. Please read the laid down conditions before you become the member of Funeral Fund.
To renew your Funeral Fund Membership send cheques to Mission’s address above. Pay on-live using bank details below:
Account No: 77060792
Sort Code: 60-11-18
Bank: NatWest
Account Name: Hussaini Mission Funeral
In REFERENCE box put: your House No, and post code.
HIM Youtube Channel
To recieve automatic programme updates and watch all HIM programmes online, kindly subscribe to our Youtube Channel.
We strive to awaken the Ummah for the return of His (A.T.F.S.)
We aim to transform our community into a unit of inspirational leaders by awakening them spiritually, politically, socially and economically through the understanding and practice of Pure Islam.
We are a registered Charity in the UK No. 277961.