Eid Ul Adha 1442H (2021) Annoucement
Momineen, this year Hussaini Islamic Mission will inshallah conduct 3 Eid ul Adha Jamaats at 6:45, 8:00 and 9:00 am on Wednesday 21st July.
Eid Ul Adha Jamaat & Live Youtube Broadcast
Please use the links below to register for 1st, 2nd or 3rd Jamaat at the Mission. Please only turn up for the Jamaat that you have registered for. No one with out online booking for that Jamaat will be allowed entry. YouTube link for LIVE broadcast of Eid 1st Jamaat
Please help us by:
1. Bringing your own Prayer Mat (Musalla) & Turbah (SajdeGah),
2. Perform your Wudu before coming to the Mission.
3. Bring a bag for your shoes (you must keep your shoes with you at all times).
4. Wear a face mask at all times.
Jazakallah for your cooperation.
Management Team,
Hussaini Islamic Mission, Hounslow
We strive to awaken the Ummah for the return of His (A.T.F.S.)
We aim to transform our community into a unit of inspirational leaders by awakening them spiritually, politically, socially and economically through the understanding and practice of Pure Islam.
We are a registered Charity in the UK No. 277961.