This year 1445H / 2024 Mahe Ramadan, daily evening programmes will be observed at Hussaini Islamic Mission Hounslow London.
Please note that the *Daily Mahe Ramazan Program* at Hussaini Islamic Mission will start *30 minutes before Iftaar* with *Quran Recitation* followed by the lecture and Q&A with *Molana Kazim Maroofi*, Dua e Ifititah and Namaz e Maghrebain. Iftaar will be served after the Namaz.
If you want to contribute any amount towards Iftaar, please use below banking details with the reference 'Iftaar':
A/C NO: 26257726
Sort Code 60-11-18 (NatWest Business Account)
You may also donate using the card machines, available at the Mission. Jazakallah for your cooperation.
We strive to awaken the Ummah for the return of His (A.T.F.S.)
We aim to transform our community into a unit of inspirational leaders by awakening them spiritually, politically, socially and economically through the understanding and practice of Pure Islam.
We are a registered Charity in the UK No. 277961.