Eid Ul Fitr 1445H (2024)
As-salaamu Alaykum,
Namaz e Eid Timings at Hussaini Islamic Mission are 7AM, 8AM and 9 AM (Wednesday, 10th April) Fitrana: £7 / person.
Eid Ul Fitr Namaz
Namaz e Eid Timings at Hussaini Islamic Mission are 7AM, 8AM and 9AM (Wednesday, 10th April).
Fitra this year is £7.00 per person.
You will be able to deposit Fitra in the collection boxes at the Mission cash only.
You can also do online bank transfers to:
A/C NO: 26257726
Sort Code 60-11-18
Please specify in payment reference as Fitra- Syed or Firta-Non Syed
Breakfast will be served in the marquee at the rear of the Mission. Entrance will be via passage on Molana Sahab's driveway.
Lastly, please arrive early to find an appropriate parking space. Please do not park on double yellow lines. We also ask that you be mindful of parking in the wrong areas or blocking any drives, as we want to represent our Mission with respect to our neighbours around the area. Jazakallah for your cooperation.
Management Team,
Hussaini Islamic Mission, Hounslow
We strive to awaken the Ummah for the return of His (A.T.F.S.)
We aim to transform our community into a unit of inspirational leaders by awakening them spiritually, politically, socially and economically through the understanding and practice of Pure Islam.
We are a registered Charity in the UK No. 277961.